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“Still bothered by the tears from delivery and nothing seems to be working? Read on to find out how to heal such tears.”

What Are Perineal Tears?

During pregnancy, the perineum, also known as the space between the vagina and the anus, expands typically but might tear, specifically when women give birth for the first time. You will experience a burning feeling when your baby's head strains your perineum, and that burning will end once your tear happens.

There are several sorts of tears, and they are classified into four severity levels: first degree, second degree, third degree, and fourth degree. A first-degree rip includes only the skin of your perineum; if it is not bleeding, physicians usually do not recommend suturing it. Perineal tears are prevalent in first-time mothers but less so in later deliveries.

What Is An Episiotomy?

An episiotomy, a surgical incision of your perineum to assist you in giving delivery, may be necessary on occasion. Your midwife or obstetrician will always explain why they want to do it and will need your consent to perform it because it is a medical intervention. Episiotomies aren't any longer standard procedure, and the region will be numbed, albeit they do not pain as they occur.

Healing Perineal Tears Naturally

You can take various steps to recover and heal perineal tears naturally in the postpartum period.

1. Apply witch hazel

Witch hazel offers several advantages and is a popular product among pregnant women. It's excellent for pregnant hemorrhoids, post-natal swelling, and suture healing. You may discover that freezing and applying witch hazel pads to your underpants helps relieve discomfort and symptoms by soothing and cooling the region. Use 10-20 minutes each day, up to every 2 hours.

2. Soak in a bath

Sitz baths can be beneficial for perineal tears following an episiotomy. Soak in a postpartum sitz bath, which fits on top of a toilet and allows you to immerse your bottom in a few inches of water. Warm water and salt are pretty calming together. It can aid in treating pain, swelling, stitches, and hemorrhoids, as well as general post-natal healing, resulting in a faster recovery. For added comfort, you may add herbs, essential oils, and salts to your sitz bath. Taking sitz baths for 15-20 minutes three times a day is preferable.

3. Get plenty of rest

Giving birth is an emotionally and physically exhausting experience, so ensure you receive plenty of rest to recuperate. Listen to your body and accept any available assistance. Because many women experience postpartum depression, you might try these relaxation techniques to help you relax. To avoid overworking, be patient with yourself and keep your activity level modest. Move slowly when getting up and sitting down to avoid irritating the perineum. The more you relax, the quicker you heal and return to normalcy.

4. Do Kegel Exercises

Resume your pelvic floor workouts as soon as possible. Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the muscles surrounding your vagina and anus, increasing blood circulation and aiding in healing.